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JAMES 1:27 

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.


Our Initiatives

Our mission is to provide quality education to the orphaned children in the Congo. We strive to provide all the tools required for them to be successful in their education such as; books, pens, uniform and also trained and qualified instructors.

HCMI strives to provide basic needs such as food, safe drinking water and reliable shelter.

Our Mission

We strive to bring hope and share the love of Christ to the poor and neglected orphaned children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Every child deserves an opportunity to not only dream and hope for a better life but to also have the ability to access the tools required for him or her to achieve.

We want to provide security, shelter, feeding, care, education, love and affection to orphans, abandoned, neglected and less fortunate children.

Our Goals

Spread empathy
through education

Teach and express the love of Jesus Christ

Help more children graduate from school and widows live a fulfilling life

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